I love learning about compost. Did you know that the wax around cheese cannot be composted because it is likely made of paraffin? You can compost cooking oil, but it needs your compost pit to be dry enough and warm enough and even then you can’t put too much in. You cannot compost vacuum dust because there are too many textile threads mixed in with the biodegradable skin and hair. There’s a lot more to compost than just dumping kitchen scraps.

I can’t compost in my apartment though and the city only sporadically accepts my organic waste and so I’d love for a game that lets me play with the fantasy of managing a cozy compost pit. Let me keep the right mix of wet and dry, let me make sure that it’s the right temperature and watch out for pests. Let me make sure that it only eats the waste that’s good for it.

Also, let it be a pit for the neighborhood. Let me have a few holes so that I can mix and match compostables to keep them all at the right temperature. Let me figure out how to manage the new cafe generating tons of food scraps every day. Let me take in stacks of newspapers that someone finally cleaned out of their garage. You can even give me some of the vegetables and flowers that people grow with the compost, but really I just want to manage the pit itself.